
Foundational Pillars to Ensure Success

Digitization  |  Environmental, Social & Governance  |  Diversity, Equity & Inclusion  |  Resilience  |  Resource Alignment


NYPA has a distinguished history of being the industry leader in technical innovation. Below, we’ll introduce you to NYPA & Canals’ digitization journey and showcase the next chapter in our evolution to becoming the first all-digital utility. 

From field-based technologies and infrastructure connectivity to data analytics, machine learning, process automation and cyber security, NYPA’s digital journey has maintained a strategically broad footprint since it was envisioned in 2013. 

We plan on achieving our digitization goals as part of VISION2030, partnering with our customers and stakeholders to innovate and enable our digitized future. 

NYPA: Digitization Video

Power On Podcast Icon

In this POWER On podcast, NYPA’s chief strategy officer, Yves Noel, speaks with Ali Mohammed, senior director, digital innovation and transformation, and Chris Carey, operations superintendent, about NYPA’s digital transformation journey.

NYPA is partnering with customers, technology companies, utilities, policy makers, standards organizations, local government, local business as well as with the public to develop and integrate digital technology, unite skills and capabilities, govern project execution and lead change. View our infographic and scroll though our slideshow - they illustrate how we are leading the way in this partnership for today and tomorrow.