NYPA Press Release
NY Power Authority Expands Services at Energy Management Center
More State Agencies, Schools and Local Governments to Use NYEM’s Advanced Energy Use Data Analytics to Better Manage Energy Performance, Save on Energy Costs, and Reduce Environmental Impacts
New VP to Lead Effort, Accelerate Governor Cuomo’s BuildSmartNY Energy Efficiency 20 by 20 Goal
For Immediate Release: 5/12/17
Contact: Lynne Smith | Lynne.Smith@nypa.gov | (914) 681-6916
WHITE PLAINS — The New York Power Authority (NYPA) is expanding its energy management center, the Albany-based digital hub that monitors energy systems and recommends efficiencies at state buildings, to offer more comprehensive energy and cost-saving services to a wider net of state government entities, schools, municipalities and businesses. This expansion will help accelerate Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s BuildSmartNY program, which requires all state-owned and managed buildings to cut their energy use 20 percent by 2020.
Newly appointed Vice President Emilie Bolduc will oversee enrollment of more customers and expand the roster of services offered by the New York Energy Manager (NYEM). NYEM uses advanced data analytics to provide thousands of state buildings with information on their energy use. Government facility managers across New York State presently use the NYEM data to improve and better manage their energy usage and associated costs.
“NYPA is working toward becoming the nation’s first all-digital utility, and NYEM is leading the charge to make that vision a reality,” said Gil C. Quiniones, president and CEO. “NYEM is a key piece of Governor Cuomo’s state energy plan. It allows us to monitor the energy efficiency of state-run buildings down to 15-minute intervals. With this regular assessment we are able to not only save costs, but also to recommend more efficient and cleaner energy generation for our customers.”
Quiniones said Bolduc joins the organization at a particularly pivotal time as NYPA prepares to offer a more advanced level of data services to hundreds of new NYPA customers and integrate digital analytics into all of its energy efficiency projects.
More than 3,000 state buildings currently use data from NYEM’s Network Operations Center in Albany for portfolio and building level energy performance, energy use intensity benchmarking, advanced analytics, improved operations management, and verification of the impacts of energy efficiency programs and projects.
The energy management center is a key piece of Governor Cuomo’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV), an ongoing transformation of the state’s power system through greater customer participation in power supply choices, and reliance on markets and regulatory incentives to support energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy.
“The goal is for customers to use the New York Energy Manager as a platform for all their energy management needs, including viewing real-time energy usage and spending, and identifying energy savings opportunities,” said Bolduc. “We first need to make sure that our customers recognize the value of real-time energy data analytics and how it can inform their decisions and actions to reduce their energy use. They can then more clearly see how they can save costs and otherwise benefit from running a more energy efficient operation.”
Bolduc notes that many utilities are creating web-based portals to provide customers with their energy data digitally. However, she says what sets NYEM apart is its data analytics and the ability to use that data to make recommendations for customized energy efficiency projects. She also noted that NYPA has a bevy of turnkey services to help implement energy saving projects, and also through NYEM, NYPA has the ability to report the actual resulting energy savings back to a customer in a timely way.
The New York Energy Manager offers services at different levels. Basic monthly utility data allows customers to evaluate overall building performance and identify cost-saving strategies. A more advanced plan provides data taken at 15-minute intervals to reveal deeper opportunities for energy efficiency and cost-savings. The most advanced level includes deep sub-metering where meters are placed on large energy-consuming building assets to provide real-time and more detailed insight into a whole building's energy performance and costs. NYPA’s real-time energy management system (NYEM) was awarded the Top Utility Solution for Energy Productivity designation by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Bolduc most recently led sales and client management for utility solutions in the Eastern region at Ecova, an energy and sustainability management company. In this role, she worked with utilities to design and implement innovative, cost-effective solutions to meet their customers’ energy efficiency and demand response needs. Bolduc is a certified energy manager through the Association of Energy Engineers. She can be reached at Emilie.bolduc@nypa.gov.
Visit the NY Energy Manager section of NYPA’s website to learn more about NYEM.
About NYPA:
NYPA is the nation's largest state public power organization, through the operation of its 16 generating facilities and more than 1,400 circuit-miles of transmission lines. NYPA uses no tax money or state credit. It finances its operations through the sale of bonds and revenues earned in large part through sales of electricity. More than 70 percent of the electricity NYPA produces is clean renewable hydropower. For more information visit www.nypa.gov and follow us on Twitter @NYPAenergy, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.