NYPA Press Release

NYPA Awards Ten Student Scholarships to College-bound New Yorkers to Help Increase Diversity in the Electric Utility Sector

For Immediate Release: June 17, 2021

Contacts: Lynne Smith; Lynne.Smith@nypa.gov (914) 346-4656


Future Energy Leaders Scholarship Program to Encourage Accomplished, Economically Disadvantaged Students to Enter Energy Industry

Watch Video to Learn More About the Scholarship Winners


WHITE PLAINS -- The New York Power Authority (NYPA) announced today that 10 academically accomplished high school seniors from around New York State will receive one-time $10,000 NYPA Future Energy Leaders Scholarship awards as part of an increasing commitment to further racial justice and equity in the utility sector and help ensure that traditionally under-represented students have opportunities to participate in and benefit from the clean energy economy. A pillar in NYPA’s ambitious VISION2030 strategy to lead the transition to a carbon-free, economically vibrant New York, NYPA’s industry leading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) plan pledges to prepare and support a workforce that reflects the diverse communities NYPA serves. These new scholarships are integral to helping to deliver against the DEI plan’s bold goals.  

“NYPA’s goal is to increase diversity in the electric utility industry by creating opportunities for students in New York State who are interested in pursuing a career in an energy-related field,” said Gil C. Quiniones, NYPA president and CEO. “We hope these awards help students achieve their academic goals, pursue their dreams and become the next Thomas Edison, Edith Clarke, or Granville T. Woods, well-known leaders in energy who also had footprints in New York State.”

The 2021 Future Energy Leaders Scholarship Program will help increase diversity in the electric utility industry workplace by developing greater interest in the energy field among academically accomplished, economically disadvantaged, and under-represented students in New York State. This is the first year for the five-year Future Energy Leaders Scholarship Program.

The creation of a targeted college scholarship program is one of several initiatives to increase the pipeline of clean energy workers. NYPA employs more than 2,000 engineers, energy technologists, IT specialists and other professionals.

NYPA is also a business partner in the Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) program that will offer paid internships this summer to 15 students interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.


The scholarship winners reflect diversity in backgrounds and interests and live in various parts of New York State.

To be eligible, applicants had to be academically accomplished, economically challenged, and under-represented high school seniors (with additional consideration given to candidates who are Black, Indigenous or Persons of Color), residing in New York State, in good academic standing and enrolled in an energy-related college undergraduate degree program.

“A diverse and tech-savvy workforce is essential to meeting the challenges of our rapidly changing electric utility industry,” said Lisa Payne Wansley, vice president of Environmental Justice. “NYPA’s Future Energy Leaders Scholarship encourages underrepresented students to pursue energy careers by providing essential economic support as they begin their college studies. The Scholarship is an important bridge to a brighter future for students and their families.”


NYPA’s Environmental Justice team partnered with five nationally recognized professional, academic and community organizations to manage the 2021 Scholarship Program. Scholarship winners are as follows:

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)

  • Victor Anuolumpo Adegoke. Morris Academy in the Bronx, to study computer science at Loyola College - Chicago
  • Emmanuel Enock, Hutchinson Central Technical in Buffalo, to study business/AI innovation at Nazareth College

Eagle Academy Foundation

  • Ohonnablu Crowell. The Eagle Academy for Young Men of Staten Island, to study mechanical engineering at SUNY Morrisville.
  • Joseph Dillon. The Eagle Academy for Young Men at Ocean Hill in Brooklyn, to study mechanical engineering at SUNY Albany

National Action Council of Minorities in Engineering (NACME)

  • Peter Thais. Saint Dominic High School in Hogansburg, to study biological engineering at Cornell University.
  • Matheu Campbell. Skaneateles High School, to study electrical engineering, biomedical engineering or applied math at Columbia University.


National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

  • Andralyn Coleman. Massena Central High School, to study business management at SUNY Canton.
  • Malik Robinson. Nottingham High School in Syracuse, to study chemistry and environmental engineering at Boston College.

United Neighborhood Houses (UNH)

  • Fatoumata Dabo. Claremont International High School in the Bronx, to study computer science at Fordham University.
  • Sunil Sharma. Information and Technology High School in Queens, to study business at Mercy College.


Watch video to learn more about the scholarship winners.


See photos and learn more about NYPA’s Future Energy Leaders Scholarship Program. Lean more about NYPA’s Environmental Justice program.



About NYPA

NYPA is the largest state public power organization in the nation, operating 16 generating facilities and more than 1,400 circuit-miles of transmission lines. More than 80 percent of the electricity NYPA produces is clean renewable hydropower. NYPA uses no tax money or state credit. It finances its operations through the sale of bonds and revenues earned in large part through sales of electricity. For more information visit www.nypa.gov and follow us on Twitter @NYPAenergy, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and LinkedIn.